Our Town in Sound

Back in 2007, a series of recordings and interviews were made by Nick Jenkins of voices of Framlingham. The recordings, known as “Our Town on Sound”, have been split into three parts.

Our Town in Sound, tracks 1 to 6


01 History Memories Gossip
02 A castle a church and many many pubs
03 The Elms and Mr Lanman
04 Riverside
05 Full Steam Ahead
06 It is Market Day

Our Town in Sound, tracks 7 to 14


07 Why is the Goat Dancing
08 Game Set and Match – The Crown
09 Off the Square
10 Duck
11 Our Castle
12 The College
13 Bowling Green
14 Gala Day

Our Town in Sound, tracks 15 to 22


15 The Readery
16 The Unsolved Affair of Double Street
17 The Bell Chamber
18 An Historic Organ
19 Inside St Michaels
20 Bill Bulstrode
21 The Library Stables
22 The Mere