Then and Now : Rear of the Crown Hotel. The former passageway for horses now closed in.
Then and Now : Rear view of the hotel, at some time prior to the enclosure of the coachway in 1952.
Then and Now : Market Hill. Little has changed since the 1950s, except for the tables for outside the Crown and the cafe (to the left of the pharmacy)
Then and Now : Ford Mk. 1 Zodiac outside the Crown Hotel, late 1950s. Note the remains of ornate gas lamps to the frontage of Stevens, Garrards and the Crown Hotel
Then and Now : Crown Hotel, c.1906. John Cobbing was the proprietor at this time. The carriageway through to Fore Street harks back to the days of coach travel, and was not enclosed until 1952.
Then and Now : Crown Hotel
Then and Now : Four vehicles are evident on the Market Hill, with no concerns over parking, and with a convenient gas lamp at night.
Then and Now : Note the horse-drawn cart.
Then and Now : On a market day with market stalls filling the square