Archery : Archery at Framlingham Sports club. Framlingham Bowmen hosted the East of England Archery competition on August 21st 2011
Archery : Archery at Framlingham Sports club. Framlingham Bowmen hosted the East of England Archery competition. Two competitors look at their target and agree the scores with the scorer
Archery : Archery at Framlingham Sports club. Framlingham Bowmen hosted the East of England Archery competition on August 21st 2011. Competitors tents, the white line and the yellow firing line
Archery : Archery – Competitors withdraw their arrows at their targets having agreed their scores with the scorer
Archery : Archery – Two competitors withdraw their arrows at their target having agreed their scores with the scorer
Archery : Archery – Two competitors withdraw their arrows at their target having agreed their scores with the scorer
Archery : Archery – Behind the safety of the white line. Three types of bow are visible includiong one long bow – wooden in colour – (as used in medieavil times)
Archery : Archery competitors astride the yellow firing line during the competition
Archery : Archery – Bows and scopes waiting for bowmen to retrun from targets
Archery : Archery – Scopes waiting for bowmen to retrun from targets
Archery : The Archery Judges relaxing over a cup of water. It was hot warm sunny day – perfect. Judge Robin Frost and Judge Derek Sizeland. Tony Preston (middle with shop).
Archery : Archery – Three willing and helpful runners – Rebecca Frost, Kate Drinkwater (daughter of the organisers), and Jaiden Parlone
Archery : Archery – The on-site office and recording area. Jane Parlone, Trevor Cross, Richard Parlone and Chris Wright
Archery : Archery – The Lady Paramount – Jan Wright – who in medieavil times presented her favoured archer with an arrow; today she gives a gift and presents prizes. Also June Drinkwater – main organiser with husband Alan Drinkwater
Archery : Archery Club – Framlingham Bowmen who acted as hosts for this event at Framlingham Sports Club
Archery : Archery – Alan Drinkwater (organiser)
Archery : Archery – Alan Drinkwater (organiser) with Simon Parker from EADT
Archery : Archery
Archery : Archery – Roy Green – a willing helper at the event
Fram Arts Exhibition 2011 : Arts Fram Exhibition in the Unitarian Hall
Fram Arts Exhibition 2011 : Arts Fram Exhibition in the Unitarian Hall
Fram Arts Exhibition 2011 : Visitors to Arts Fram Annual Photo Exhibition in the Unitarian Meeting House, Bridge Street – last week in May 2011
Fram Arts Exhibition 2011 : Visitors to Arts Fram Annual Photo Exhibition in the Unitarian Meeting House, Bridge Street – last week in May 2011
Fram Arts Exhibition 2011 : Judy Master (organiser of Arts Fram) and Eddie Thomsom (Unitarian Chruch)