Threshing : Passing straw to the belt for loading into the second trailer
Threshing : Loading straw onto the second trailer
Threshing : String supply for tying the threshed straw into bundles
Threshing : Discussion between ????? and Bobby Foster (owner with John)
Threshing : ????? loading the second trailer
Threshing : Bobby Foster (owner) loading the second straw trailer
Threshing : Securing the bottom part of the load as it was going to be delivered to a different thatcher to the top part of the load – thus creating a division of the load of straw
Threshing : Red Barn Farm where the threshing takes place. The Foster brothers sell all the thatching straw that they grow very easily; if more was grown then more could be sold.
Threshing : Sunnymead where Bobby Foster lives with Anne his wife
Threshing : Entrance to Red Barn Farm, Framlingham Road, Badingham
Threshing : Wheat growing across the road – next years thatch
Threshing : John Foster made this bicycle from an old gate. It stands about 10 feet high and shows the welding skills of John
Threshing : John Foster made this bicycle from an old gate. It stands about 10 feet high and shows the welding skills of John. My ruck sack to give it scale
Threshing : John Foster made this bicycle from an old gate. It stands about 10 feet high and shows the welding skills of John. My ruck sack to give it scale