Fram Flyers and other runners : Runners coming round Jeffreason Well
Fram Flyers and other runners : The end is in sight
Fram Flyers and other runners : The Finish general view
Fram Flyers and other runners : The Finish
Fram Flyers and other runners : The Finish being recorded by stewards
Fram Flyers and other runners : John Clough with one more bend before the finish – he did 62 minutes this year – 2 minutes better than last year. he lives at 75 Fore Street a neighbour of mine
Fram Flyers and other runners : The Finish being recorded by stewards
Fram Flyers and other runners : Not long to go
Fram Flyers and other runners : Janet Green the main organiser for the 10k with the commentator. It was a very well organised event; no-one died this year – 2011. See notes on 20
Fram Flyers and other runners : Runners and visitors enjoying the 10K day
Fram Flyers and other runners : Ian Baird knackered he said after his faultless run in about 86 minutes waering his tee shirt. See notes on 15
Fram Flyers and other runners : All participants received a memorial tee shirt for 25 years of Fram Flyers
Fram Flyers and other runners : Ian Baird knackered he said after his faultless run in about 86 minutes waering his tee shirt. See notes on 15
Fram Flyers and other runners : Magnus Ross who lives on the Market Hill and was determined to walk the 10k. He succeeded in this with his trainer Richard Attah Donkor in about 3 hours; the organisers waited for him to finish and he was so pleased they waited for him.
Fram Flyers and other runners : Some precautionary signs in Fore Street
Fram Flyers and other runners : Jeffreason Well with Charlie Caiger stewarding
Fram Flyers and other runners : Runners coming round Jeffreason Well