Images tagged "royal-wedding-will-and-kate"
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham from St Michael’s Church Tower
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Framlingham Church Bells in St Michael’s Church Tower
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Framlingham Church Bells in St Michael’s Church Tower
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Framlingham College from St Michael’s Church Tower
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham. Part of the crowd. On the left, Janet Douglas, Leslie Baker and Alastair Douglas
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Bell Ringing Chamber in St Michael’s Church Tower
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham. Clearing up
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham. Clearing up with Bill Bulstrode aqnd Chris Plant
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham. Part of the crowd
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Suzanne Anderson (nee Meynell), phamacist holding dog.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham. Part of the crowd. Julian Faithful, Ricky Peacher with Dog (Mark Phillips) landlord of the Crown, behind theb Bishops Finger packet.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Market Hill, Framlingham. Michaela Ayre
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Chris Bulstrode on Market Hill
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Bill Bulstrode, two engineers from the Big Screen, and Nick Corke on Market Hill
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : James Underwood’s Country Vision on Market Hill, Framlingham.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Bill Bulstrode clearing up on Market Hill, Framlingham
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Bulstrodes, Bridge Street, Framlingham.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Sue Ryder Charity Shop, Bridge Street, Framlingham.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Chris Bulstrode clearing up in Bridge Street
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : The Elms, Framlingham. Three codgers including David James in the middle (blind)
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Callenders Florists, Bridge Street, Framlingham.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : Dear Alastair. Thanks for the photo of me. I give some info as you ask for the sake of the archives…!
Born in 1947 in Leicestershire. Lived in Suffolk since 1971. Aged 63 at the time of photo. Stuart is a Town and Country Panning Consultant with an office in Queen’s Head Alley overlooking the Market Hill, a business he has had in the town since 1988. He was previously an Area Team leader in the Planning Dept of Suffolk Coastal District Council, having helped to set up the Council in 1974 when local government was last re-organised. He has been engaged on numerous development projects in the region and at Framlingham in securing planning permissions, including the new estates at Brook Lane. Most of his time has been in advising the public and other professional practices of planning issues arising when permission is needed, and he specialises in planning law and handling appeals to the national Planning Inspectorate.
Being now of an age where the grey hair is showing the signs of having been in his profession for over 40 years, Stuart also regularly undertakes consultancy work for a District Council in Suffolk ( not Suffolk Coastal ) in assisting with the more difficult cases, and he has for some years acted for another Council in doing its appeals. He is also the Planning Consultant to Hollins, the firm of Architects and Surveyors at Market Hill, a role he has had since the start of his business.
Stuart lives at Debenham, married to Fiona since 1970. They have 2 daughters, Francesca aged 26 and Hannah aged 18. Francesca was at 6th form at Thomas Mills where she excelled at music in playing violin and piano, and was the Orchestra Leader. She then went to Anglia Ruskin University at Cambridge and got her music degree and is currently self employed in teaching music. Hannah was at Thomas Mills for her secondary and 6th form schooling, and she continued the musical talent by playing violin, piano and trumpet. She also was the Orchestra Leader in her final year of 2010, and having had a gap year where she spent time doing voluntary work for a charity in Uganda she has accepted a place at Leeds University to study music. Both girls play in the Ipswich based Trianon Orchestra and Fiona sings in its choir. Although Stuart plays piano he is outclassed by his daughters, and regards his place today as being the “roady” for the family.
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 :
Royal Wedding 29th April 2011 : The Pet Shop, Bridge Street, Framlingham.