Framlingham general : Returning the boards and supports etc to the Town Council Offices
Framlingham general : Returning the boards and supports etc to the Town Council Offices. Giles McGarry, Brian Smith (Alastair Douglas and Dick Knight (not in picture)
Framlingham general : Michael poole (Chariman of Framlingham Camera Club) with Bill Flemming who judged the Accolades for the Annual Exhbhibition in Unitarian Meeting House, Bridge Street 8th Sep to 10th Sep 2011. Lead photograph by Brian Smith
Threshing :
Threshing : Drive way of Red Barn Farm, Badingham owned by the Fosters – Robert and John
Threshing : Part of farmyard at Red Barn Farm, Badingham
Threshing : Drive way of Red Barn Farm, Badingham owned by the Fosters – Robert and John. Robert’s son Hayden and family live in the farm house
Threshing : Part of farmyard at Red Barn Farm, Badingham. Photographer’s car – Alastair Douglas
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a thatcher leaving with a load of thatching straw
Threshing : Loading a trailer with threshed sheaves of thatching straw. Boby Foster and ?????
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a thatcher leaving with a load of thatching straw
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a thatcher leaving with a load of thatching straw
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a thatcher leaving with a load of thatching straw
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the threshing machine
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the threshing machine
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the threshing machine and bags of chaff
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a thatcher leaving with a load of thatching straw
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the tractor driving the threshing machine by belt
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the threshing machine and bags of chaff
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the John Foster passing sheeves to the loader ??????
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a the tractor driving the threshing machine by belt
Threshing : The Threshing scene with a thatcher leaving with a load of thatching straw